We welcome you to Calvary International Church. Our vision is to be a vibrant family glorifying God through multiplying, discipling, equipping and sending.

Services every Sunday at 10:30am

Since December 22, we have only one service at 10:30 am every Sunday

Watch our services online

You can watch our services live, every Sunday at 10:30am  on our YouTube channel. You’ll find the link below.

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Meet our Lead Pastor

Seth and his family came to Calvary in June of 2023. He and his wife, Kathleen, have previously served internationally, ministering in both Europe and Asia. Seth is a graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in the United States. Besides sharing ice cream with their three sons, the Barkleys also love spending time with people and exploring their community.

Upcoming events

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Our deacons

José Ziebarth
Brian Zuercher
Thomas Smoak
Fabio Marques
Josh Stockment

Sermon archive

We upload each week’s sermon video file to our YouTube channel and  audio file to different podcasts platforms. Click on the appropriate button to access your preferred format!


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